Friday, July 2, 2010

Primpin' Ain't Easy

To my knowledge, all of us girls have surrendered our vanity because there is really no point. You walk outside, you are drenched in sweat. Your face suddenly has more oil than the Florida beaches (too soon?). A perfect bouffant? Forget about it. By the time the clock strikes noon, your roots are already soaked and your hair is already in a ponytail. My first night here, I tried to dry my hair so I wouldn't freeze under the ac and also, I wanted to maintain some semblance of civility, but as soon as I plugged in my roomie's hairdryer, more sparks flew than on the 4th of July. It was actually a little scary because our lights started to flicker and there was a lot of buzzing, zapping, and blue light coming from the dryer. But we're still alive, so everything's okay. Regardless of our declarations to go au natural, we picked up an Indian hairdryer yesterday while we were at the mall and so far, so good. I have used it a couple times and no sparks/smoke/zapping noises so far!


  1. Hey Jenny,
    I wonder what the hairdryer from India would do if plugged into a US socket? Hmmmmm....

  2. Hey Jenny, Please be careful, you are waaaay too far away for any medical emergency. We'd have to send Omie-wan-kanobi to rescue you! Have a good 4th on the other side of the world. Love, Ms Kim
