Saturday, July 3, 2010

Heritage Walk: Old Town Ahmedebad

We went to walk through old town Ahmedebad today and I can honestly say I have never been so hot in my entire life. The humidity here is ridiculous. We spent a couple hours tooling around town and by the end of our walk, all of us were completely drenched in sweat--head to toe. I really didn't know that my butt could sweat like that! Anyway, it's funny because when you're outside walking around all you want is to be in the path of some righteous A/C. But, when you finally get to some relief, you're so wet from the sweat that you nearly freeze! It's hard to find a happy medium.

Anyway, regardless of the heat, I had an amazing time. We saw some really great places--temples, mosques--and got to ride rickshaws! Rickshaws are 3 wheeled motorcycle type vehicles that people use as their own risk, of course. Rickshaw drivers are INSANE. They hardly ever lay off their horn and drive like the Devil is chasing them.

I am not surprised by how many animals I encountered on the streets today. I am, however, surprised that they didn't appear to be too malnourished. When I went to Africa, it was heartbreaking to see really thin dogs and cows. Here, I learned that people feed strays and try to take care of them to be in good standing with their gods. They see that taking care of these animals is a way to find purity and spread good karma. Good news for me, an animal lover!

A very busy day...I haven't even touched on half the stuff I saw! More to come later!

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