Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Bday, America...India-style

The other day, we went to the market and LOADED UP on fireworks for July 4th. So tonight, after spending a very long day sightseeing, we went out to the cricket field at the MICA campus and started our celebration! It lasted about a couple hours or so...that alone should give you a clue of how much we bought. We waved around sparklers even though they attracted bugs like no other! While we held the sparklers, bugs would just fly up and hit us in the face. It was weird. Campus has been overthrown with bugs because it didn't rain today. When we came home from town, we discovered bugs had invaded our rooms...from under the doors and through cracks in the windows. It felt like a plague from the Bible. We literally had to kick bugs off the ground to walk to get to our rooms. I have never seen that many bugs before. It seems India is the land of the extremes...but since we hail from Texas, I'm sure we won't have much problem adjusting.

1 comment:

  1. Remember the cricket invasions in Plano? Yuck...we couldn't walk without stepping on them.
    Duck tape where are you when we need you (to tape around the doors!)? Glad to know that the animals are fed on a regular basis. The children are beautiful and I love the spread of bright colors.
    Just breathtaking!
