Sunday, August 1, 2010


I found these examples of texture throughout my travels in India. My favorite image is that of the elephant. You can really imagine how its skin feels just by looking at the picture.


Negative Space

I took this photo in Lothal right before a huge rain started.

Figure Ground

In this shot, you don't know if the subject is the white paint on the walls or the pink stone that is in the middle of the wall.

Grid System

These windows are in grid formation.


This is an example of hierarchy because you first are supposed to look at the door and clothesline. They are at the top of the frame and command more attention. The woman, at the bottom, takes a backseat in this shot.


This is a great example of eyeflow. You first look at the sign. Then, because it is tilted down, your eye follows. (The arrow doesn't hurt!)


This is a great example of eyeflow. You first look at the sign. Then, because it is tilted down, your eye follows. (The arrow doesn't hurt!)



These men are in alignment with each other similarly to how the poles are aligned with each other.


Symmetrical Balance

This picture is very balanced because each side is exactly the same. I love how confrontational the front of this car is. Shooting this image symmetrically helps the bus to appear even more "in your face".

Asymmetrical Balance

While not symmetrical, this image has balance because the plants in the bottom right are dark and heavy, and the upper left of the image is light. So, while it is not mathematically equal, it appears balanced.


This very small wrought iron detail looks almost the same size as people because of the distance of each object to the camera lens.





This zig zag pattern is very rigid and symmetrical, but I thought it looked really cool to view it from this perspective.


I really like the Point of View of this shot because it adds so much more interest to what could be a boring photo.


This is the backside of the Taj Mahal, although you cannot really tell since it is so symmetrical! The Taj is the perfect example of mass because of its sheer size.




I think this picture represents the right proportion. The woman in the distance is small because she is far away.


I think this picture represents the right proportion. The woman in the distance is small because she is far away.


The intertwining vines of this tree give off a tense vibe. When I look at this, I do not get the feeling of serenity or peace.

Kinetic Sequence


Red Orange


This orange is very vivid and vibrant against the cool stone backdrop.

Yellow Orange

This picture feels yellow orange to me. I think that the slight hint of yellow in the overall image makes the orange the child is wearing appear different.



I shot this image on our way back from Mount Abu. I think we were all very overwhelmed with how much green we were seeing!

Blue Green


I love the richness of the blue in this picture I took at Mt. Abu. I think the color stands out more in contrast with the rusty metal in the foreground.

Blue Violet



Analagous Colors

I took this picture the day we walked around Old Town Ahmedabad. I thought the shot was interesting because of the oranges, reds and yellows.

Complementary Colors

I found this picture at an ancient well we visited while in Ahmedabad. I think it is really a great shot because of the rich brick red against the almost kelly green tapestry.


When we were in Mt. Abu, I saw these scarves and thought all of the colors were great together.


I chose this photo of flowers in the lobby of the Delhi hotel because it has several values of pink in the petals.


After shopping one afternoon, I spotted a woman making bangles out of thread. I loved how she had laid out all of the colors of her materials like this. The vividness of these colors pop against the brick and ground.


This photo was taken at sunset in Mt. Abu. I was particularly taken by how warm the image feels.


Typography 1

I love the colors of this type and the look of how it is distressed.

Typography 2

This stuck out to me because the characters that are more vertical are wider and larger so when viewing from a distance, it gives the impression that all letters are the same size.

Typography 3

Again, I love the distressed nature of this type. I think that it being worn away adds to its character.

Typography 4

Typography 5

Typography 6

Typography 7

Typography 8

Texture 9

Typography 10


I found this number sign when we were walking around Old Town Ahmedabad. This was in one of the old buildings we went in.


I found this in a fence outside a train station we visited in Mumbai.


I found this exclamation point in the bathroom door of my hotel room in Mumbai.


This + was found in a wrought iron fence at the fort where Shah Jehan was imprisoned.


I found this 0 in a light sconce in the hallway of our hotel in Mumbai.




I found this 3 at the mall in is a painting that was in a booth beside the escalators.


This 4 was outside a temple that we visited in Ahmedabad.



I found this 6 in the wrought iron around an elevator in our hotel in Mumbai.


I found this 7 in a sink faucet at a store in the mall we went to for lunch one day.


The framing on this door forms the shape of an 8.



I found this U in a pool of water at the film school we visited this week.


I found this A on the side of a sign at the fort where Shah Jehan was imprisoned while building the Taj Mahal. I love the rigidity of the form and think that its modern look in contrast to the historic background is striking and interesting.


This photo was taken while we were at the Sun Temple near Ahmedabad. The reason it stuck out to me was because it had a very rigid structure but very organic design scheme on the exterior. The juxtaposition of both design styles made it memorable to me.


The Trident Gurgaron hotel we stayed at in Delhi had gorgeous ceilings. This photo was taken in the lobby of the hotel. I thought it was interesting that I could move slightly to one side and the depth of the structure changed due to the increased visibility of the windows that surround the opening.


I thought this was particularly striking because the letter “D” is formed both by a discoloration in the stone itself and the cracks that break up the stone. It is especially memorable because it looks as though the cracks are radiating from within the epicenter of the “D”.


We visited Lothal one afternoon and it was pretty boring. It was an ancient archaeological site that had a few interesting things, but I think most of my group will agree none of us really had a clue what we were looking at. I did think that visually, the location was very interesting. There were very intricate stone structures and remnants of an ancient civilization. I found this “E” in stones that once formed a border for dwellings and homes.