Sunday, August 1, 2010


I found these examples of texture throughout my travels in India. My favorite image is that of the elephant. You can really imagine how its skin feels just by looking at the picture.


Negative Space

I took this photo in Lothal right before a huge rain started.

Figure Ground

In this shot, you don't know if the subject is the white paint on the walls or the pink stone that is in the middle of the wall.

Grid System

These windows are in grid formation.


This is an example of hierarchy because you first are supposed to look at the door and clothesline. They are at the top of the frame and command more attention. The woman, at the bottom, takes a backseat in this shot.


This is a great example of eyeflow. You first look at the sign. Then, because it is tilted down, your eye follows. (The arrow doesn't hurt!)